IP Technology Distribution

Business Telephony: How to Connect Analog POTS Phones to an ALL-IP-System with Cloud Orchestration

Made the Switch to ALL-IP? Patton Keeps Your Analog Phones Alive

So you took the leap. You went ALL-IP with your business communications. Congratulations! But wait…  you have a business-critical analog phone or two—or four—that you still need to keep alive. What now?

Does your unified-communications solution support analog communications? Or is it limited exclusively to IP endpoints?  Do you have essential legacy telephony devices that are now excluded by your unified communications (UC) system—things like analog phones, fax machines, intercom speakers, and so on?  What can you do about it?

35 Years of Connecting Legacy & New: Patton's Analog Phone Adapters

Well, since 1984—that’s like 35 years ago—Patton has been connecting legacy communications technologies with the next new thing, whatever that happens to be at the time.  Lately, the “new thing” has been integrating legacy telephony with ALL-IP communications. Or most recently, THE CLOUD.

Here is a solution that addresses the challenge we outlined in the title of this post…

SmartNode 200 Series: Integrate Legacy Phones with UCC Systems

The SmartNode 200 Series of Analog Telephone Adapters and Gateways can support one, or up to four, analog connections. These intelligent little guys are perfect for integrating legacy Phones into a unified communications and collaboration (UCC) Environment.

Plus, using the SN200 family, you can actually have fax-over-IP (FoIP) that WORKS!

Here’s an example how it looks for a single analog phone in a private company IP network like yours. . .

Apllication Drawing: Connecting POTS phone with ALL-IP

EXAMPLE 1: Integrating Analog/POTS phone with ALL-IP Telephony

Here’s another example that shows a four-line solution, including a fax-over-IP connection.


4-Port SN200 ATA application

EXAMPLE 2: 4-Port SN200 ATA application

Now your little (or large) business can have high-quality voice and reliable fax over any IP network—with all sorts of state-of-the art security features for business-class ALL-IP communications.

Patton Cloud: Zero-Touch Provisioning, Management & More

The SN200 enables fast, secure, zero-touch, auto-provisioning as a standard feature. The Patton Cloud edge-orchestration service provides operation, administration, monitoring, management, alerting, troubleshooting, and more.

These two services, combined with legendary SmartNode quality and reliability, make the SN200 the ATA with the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) in the market.

You can read more about all that stuff in this press release…

What did you think?

  • Do you need to integrate your POTS terminals with an ALL-IP system?
  • Is your unified communications system limited to IP endpoints, or can your analog devices be integrated with your UC system?

Source: Patton - W. Glendon Flowers

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